Article: The Future of Asian America in 2040

“The Future of Asian America in 2040”
Volume 14:1, p. 14 (2016)
by Jonathan Ong, Paul Ong, and Elena Ong

ABSTRACT: This resource paper analyzes the growth of the Asian American (AA) population over the next quarter century based on projections from the U.S. Census Bureau and supplementary estimates by the authors. The number of Asian Americans will increase from 20.5 million in 2015 to 35.7 million in 2040, making them the fastest-growing racial population in the nation. Like the nation as a whole, the AA population will age over the next quarter century, with youth declining from a quarter to a little more than a fifth of the AA population and the elderly increasing from a tenth to about a sixth. Immigrants will continue to be a majority of Asian Americans, but their share will decline from two-thirds to one half. After 2040, U.S.-born AAs (those who are Asian alone and from mixed-race backgrounds) will comprise a majority of the population. Another significant change will be the growth of multiracial Asian Americans, increasing from a tenth of the population 1990 to a sixth in 2040.



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Article Citation:
Jonathan Ong, Paul Ong, and Elena Ong (2016) The Future of Asian America in 2040. AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community: 2016, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 14-29.

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