Article: Disaggregation Matters: Asian Americans and Wealth Data

“Disaggregation Matters: Asian Americans and Wealth Data”
Volume 9:1-2, p. 91 (2011)
by Melany De La Cruz-Viesca

ABSTRACT: This policy brief explores the usefulness and limitations of existing federal government data sets in better understanding the wealth position and asset-building needs of Asian Americans. As Asian Americans continue to be one of the fastest-growing racial groups in the United States, it is critical for federal data sets to disaggregate Asian Americans by ethnicity and by immigrant versus nonimmigrant status, in order to provide a more accurate and nuanced analysis of the Asian American experience with asset accumulation. The lumping of all Asian American ethnic groups under the aggregate “Asian” category masks a high degree of variation in social and economic status across these subgroups.



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Article Citation:
Melany De La Cruz-Viesca (2011) Disaggregation Matters: Asian Americans and Wealth Data. AAPI Nexus: Policy, Practice and Community: 2011, Vol. 9, No. 1-2, pp. 91-100.

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